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OpenAI, Stability AI stay on offensive during discovery in US, UK copyright cases

In a recent joint letter to a US magistrate judge, Microsoft and OpenAI lamented the refusal by the Author?s Guild and a group of individual authors to share information the defendants say they need to mount a fair use defense… weiterlesen

Lack of patent specialists, once the norm, leaves US district courts an outlier

When Congress authorized the Patent Pilot Program, or PPP, it was with bipartisan support and the best of intentions. The idea was straightforward: judges from one of 13 US district courts chosen by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts would volunteer to oversee patent cases and take on assignments transferred internally from non-participating colleagues… weiterlesen

Bosch, Dreame cases illustrate China’s balanced approach to pre-trial injunctions

German engineering powerhouse Robert Bosch has promptly safeguarded its technical secrets through a remarkable pre-trial injunction granted by a Chinese court. The decisive action bars a former employee from disclosing or using Bosch?s confidential information acquired inappropriately during his employment… weiterlesen

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